Reading it over for one last time before I let it go, I was rather pleased with what I've done. Will be interesting to see what the publishing guys say.
This last couple of weeks I've also beeing working revisions and copyreading proofs of my novel River Music, which should be available in mid-May. That, too, was a very interesting experience, as it had been more than a year since I'd read it. Marc Côté at Cormorant Books had done an excellent job in editing it, and I was pleasantly surprised at how good the book was--like reading somebody else's work!
So now that things are more or less back to normal, I'll be posting more often. My work schedule hasn't kept me from reading other things, so I've a great backlog of comments on books to share.
The photo, by the way, is of the Andes, taken on my research trip to South America a year and a half ago.
Welcome back to the blogging world, Mary!