So I've returned to thinking about two books read in recent months which gie fascinatin background to the ongoing troubles between Irsaellis and Palestinians. The first is David Grossman's To the End of the Land and the other is Guy Delisle's Jerusalem Chronicles: Tales from the Holy City.
did not succumb to rage at what had happened, but continued to work on his rather measured account.
The second book is a graphic novel that Delisle wrote after he and his family spent in a year in Jerusalem while his wife worked for Doctors without Borders. It's a view you won't find anywhere else, and a great complement to Grossman's novel.
Grossman, by the way, wrote an eloquent plea in the July 28, 2014 New York Times, that could be an answer to the Lerman's much less hopeful piece. He concludes as if to point out to Lerman where liberal Jews are now:
are many who still “remember the future” (an odd phrase, but an
accurate one in this context) — the future they want for Israel, and for
Palestine. There are still — but who knows for how much longer — people
in Israel who understand that if we sink into apathy again we will be
leaving the arena to those who would drag us fervently into the next
war, igniting every possible locus of conflict in Israeli society as
they go.
we do not do this, we will all — Israelis and Palestinians,
blindfolded, our heads bowed in stupor, collaborating with hopelessness —
continue to turn the grindstone of this conflict, which crushes and
erodes our lives, our hopes and our humanity."
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